To Parents Who Want A Better Life For Their Autistic Child -- But Don’t Know How

The NEW Approach to
Finally Give Your Child Lasting Independence and Fulfillment

Do you worry about what happens next for your child?

If your child is on the Autism Spectrum, I already know the answer:

Every minute of every day.

And I can say that so confidently because I’ve been there.

If you’re anything like I was, you constantly ask yourself:

  • What if something happens to me?
  • What happens as I get older and can’t support him anymore?
  • Will he ever be able to get a job?

This is my son Andrew. 

Just 5 years ago, Andrew was “aging out” of the education system. And we had no idea what to do next. 

Of course, like you probably have, we looked at all the options. We researched every program and service we could find. And even though at our core we hated the thought of it… we even looked into various group homes.

I hated the idea that our only options were government programs and charities.

Maybe you feel that way, too. Your child shouldn’t be treated like a charity case. Isn’t there anyone, besides you, who will treat him like the person you know he is -- and can be?

The problem that I’ve seen with most programs is that they almost always focus on what needs to be provided for people like Andrew, rather than what Andrew can do and contribute. He doesn’t need a hand-out, just an environment where he can succeed. 

And so there was always the option of not using any of these services. We could provide for him at home with our family. But staying home every day with nothing to do… what kind of life is that?

But what really kept me up at night was one, terrifying thought.

What would happen to my son if something happened to me?

The awful truth is that I’m not going to be around forever. 

That’s when I decided to stop waiting for someone else to give my son what he needed.

Instead, I created the life I wanted for my son -- one that gave him true independence, fulfillment, and purpose.

And I want to show you how you can do the same for your child.

What if We’ve Been Looking at Autism All Wrong?

At this point, most everyone knows that people on the autism spectrum process information differently than neurotypicals.

But still, despite the education, despite the progress, most people -- view autism with pity. 

You hear it every day, I’m sure. Very few people look for ways that neurodiverse people can contribute -- the advantages they bring to the workplace and to their communities.

Instead, energy and funding is spent on handouts. These temporary solutions fill basic needs for that moment but rarely have an eye toward the future.

I can’t tell you how frustrated I was… over and over and over.

Don’t get me wrong -- there were some great programs out there. But that thought kept coming back… without me there, it still didn’t work.

I still couldn’t see how Andrew could be part of a community, have a fulfilling job, live a life of meaning and purpose. And don’t we all deserve that?

I couldn’t find anything out there like that. So I made it. 

And I’m not going to lie to you, it was difficult.

But, looking back, I realize that it was no more difficult than what I had been doing before -- worrying, living life frustrated, and even shedding tears with my family about what to do next.

For the first time since I can remember I felt in control of the situation. I was in the driver’s seat… not the state, not the school… but just me and Andrew. 

And because I built an asset… something bigger than myself. Something that was going to outlive me (and even outlive my son)...

...No matter what happens to me, I know that Andrew is going to be ok.

And I want the same for you.

Who We Are 

I’m John D’Eri.

Through this journey with my other son Tom D’Eri and his friend Tom Sena, we’ve learned a lot over the last 5 years in building Rising Tide.

Together, we created a scalable social enterprise with the primary mission to employ adults with autism. 

We’re business operators, we live this business everyday. Everything that we do is practical and proven, and we want to share what we’ve learned with you.

Because it’s a sustainable, profitable business, our son Andrew and others like him have a job they love, true independence, and something that will continue even if something happens to me.


By delivering a first-rate experience to the consumer, Rising Tide strives to inspire communities to change their perception of the capabilities of people with autism. Through training, team building and caring for the community, Rising Tide sets its employees up for success. With this model, Rising Tide has a goal to provide people with autism an opportunity to build a career and achieve an independent lifestyle.

People with autism are typically very good at structured tasks, following processes, and having attention to detail. These are just some of the strengths people with autism have that in some cases make them the best employees you could ask for.

This is something one of our biggest partners, the University of Miami Center for Autism and Related Disabilities has helped us understand over the years. And it’s with funding from them we have been able to make this course possible.

We believe in success because of autism, not in spite of it.

And it’s possible to build a financially viable social enterprise on the basis of these strengths.

We want to show you how to harness the operational advantages of employing individuals with autism, so your loved one can lead the full and independent life they deserve.

You’ve Been Holding The Keys

To Your Child’s Independence All Along…

I promise, you and your loved one with autism already have the intelligence, the skills, and the grit to start your own autism enterprise.

There are already dozens of autism enterprises started by people just like you… from our Rising Tide Car Wash to bakeries to software testing.

These amazing (and profitable) businesses began when someone, like you, realized that the best way to ensure their child’s future was to take control...

...To create an asset that would continue to grow, support the community, and outlive them both.

And now you can do the same and give your loved one a fulfilling life while harnessing the Autism Advantage.

“I wouldn’t know where to start to create something like this…”

I mentioned before that you have all the smarts and the grit that you need to start a business.

How do I know that?

Because as a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, you’ve most likely already:

  • Spent hours researching topics that were important to you and your family
  • Tested different approaches to problems and finding what works best for you and your family
  • Asked questions when you didn’t understand something or when something didn’t go right
  • Solved problems and resolved conflict even when you were tired, confused, and frustrated
  • Put in hard work even when other people didn’t understand -- because you knew that the result would be worth it

These are the exact skills you need to start a business.

You’re not afraid of hard work.

You’re not afraid of challenges.

You’re not afraid to try something unconventional.

Hard work, challenges, unconventional?

That’s our life in a nutshell.

And while I know you have what it takes. I also know that you need the tools.

That’s where we come in with The Autism Advantage.

I know starting a business can seem scary.

Maybe this is the first time you’ve considered it.

Or maybe, in the back of your mind, you’ve been thinking about it for a long time.

Either way, the things that hold us back from starting are often unfounded fears -- constructed by the media, critics... or even our own mind.

Which of These 6 Business Myths are Holding You Back From Creating Your Own Autism Enterprise?


This is the most common barrier to starting any business. Stories and legends about business make it sound like the perfect idea hits someone like a lightening bolt and it’s all roses from there. The truth is, that’s rarely how real success happens. The first idea may change, adapt, or be abandoned altogether. The final business rarely comes from instant inspiration, but instead from research, testing, and brainstorming.

Keep reading to learn exactly how to go from “no idea” -- or its sister issue “too many ideas” -- into a sustainable, profitable business that supports your loved one with autism.


Another common entrepreneur stereotype is the “all in,” risk-it-all, blow through savings image. Nothing could be further from the truth and we’d never recommend you sink all of your savings or mortgage your house for an unproven idea.

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to figure out if an idea will work. There are many ways to test and prove an idea to mitigate risk -- without spending a ton of money. We’ll show you how. 


Often the first question new entrepreneurs ask is, “how do I get startup capital?” This is the wrong question to ask up front, but we understand why they ask it. News stories are constantly written about startups that are funded with $100,000+ investments.

But there are many ways to start a business without a lot of capital. One option is starting a “microbusiness” out of your home. There are also 6 different ways to get funding for a business. You can learn more by reading below.


You don’t have to quit your job to start a business. You don’t have to grow fast to be successful. Most businesses can get started in just a few hours of focused work each week -- IF you have the right system. 

All the memes about “hustling” all day are just not how most entrepreneurs operate. By using a proven roadmap, you can take the steps at your own pace based on how many hours you have to devote to the business.


When we started Rising Tide Car Wash, no one in the family had any experience running a car wash before. We used deliberate research, expert mentors, and best practices to learn the industry as we went along.

You don’t need experience in an industry to be a success. We’ll show you the exact system we used to identify the right market and learn the industry to create an extremely profitable and meaningful autism enterprise.


Everything is learnable. We went from a vague idea of what we wanted to do, to a validated business plan, to an amazing business.

And we know that you can do the same if you think it’s the right path for you. All that stuff that we went through in the beginning -- the uncertainty, the confusion. You can skip most of that. Because we have your back in this.

Everything we did and everything we learned, we want to share it with you -- because we believe in it. 

We know that you can do it. And there’s no better time to start than now.


Success because of autism, not in spite of it

The Autism Advantage is the only program of its kind that walks you step-by-step through creating a social enterprise that supports neurodiverse individuals.

We’ll cover everything from finding the right idea, to getting funding, to launching your product the right way.

Here’s how the program is structured:

Module 1: The Entrepreneur Mindset

  • How to avoid the Reverse Thinking Trap that most social entrepreneurs fall into
  • The counterintuitive truth about thinking ahead
  • The Typical Entrepreneur vs. The Autism Enterprise Entrepreneur (sometimes you want to be one, but sometimes you want to be the other)
  • Why putting profit before charity is one of the most generous things you can do for your business
  • How to harness The Autism Advantage (we don’t just keep up with our competitors, we do it better)
  • Dignity, Sustainability, and Community Impact -- how to create the trifecta in your business -- no matter how small.

Module 2: The Big Idea

  • The 7 Parts of The Autism Advantage (You’ll want at least 5 to be successful)
  • 3 questions to ask yourself to come up with ideas even if you don’t know where to start
  • The perfect idea that’s hiding in plain site -- you may have seen this today but not recognized it
  • Where to start based on your location (a can’t-miss video if you live in a small town)
  • The Idea Colander for filtering out ideas that will never work -- before spending any money
  • Why enthusiasm may put you at a disadvantage… how to avoid this common pitfall that sinks your business before you start
  • How to sort helpful feedback from useless criticism (who you should always ignore at this stage)
  • A business you can start for less than $250 (and case studies of people who did it)

Module 3: Test for Success

  • How to shorten the learning curve while lowering risk
  • Simple ways to find out if your business will work (you can do this in less than a week)
  • The 5-Step Method to get your idea to market fast
  • Finding the right pricing structure so that people will pay, and you’ll stay in business for the long-term
  • How to understand the numbers of your business (don’t worry, no math degree required)
  • The best way to learn the trade and teach others -- avoid a huge mistake we made in our first business
  • How to create a “mock business” to identify invisible disasters waiting to happen
  • 6 places to find anything you want to know about your industry
  • A tested email hack for reaching anyone at any company
  • The $150 Facebook Test for measure demand in your market (includes templates and our exact process)
  • How to test capital-heavy businesses without any startup capital
  • Steps to take if your idea fails the testing process (just about any initial idea can be saved)

Module 4: Support Through Story 

  • Two frameworks for finding the most impactful way to tell your story
  • The powerful way the first version of your business will help unlock the story hiding within
  • Who to share your story with first to hone it to perfection
  • The perfect length for a powerful story -- too short and listeners won’t understand, too long and they’ll tune out
  • Why quality of service MUST come before the social mission
  • The one thing you can’t stop the media from doing and how to turn the narrative when it does
  • How to build “social currency” through your story’s positioning
  • 9 people you must have in your network for fast success (you probably know at least 4 of these types before you even get started)
  • The little-known startup secret that leads to 30% more money, 3 times the user growth, and 19% less chance you’ll hit a common roadblock -- it’s easy to do but most people resist
  • The Build Strong Friends Method -- an acronym you can remember for the most productive meetings
  • How to get people to help you before you ever meet with them
  • Why, despite what most people think, the goal for a meeting should never be to impress the other person. Do this instead and people will be eager to help you.
  • 44% percent of people do this one thing wrong even though it’s incredibly simply -- how to do it right
  • When a specific or weird issue pops up, how to instantly find 10–20 people qualified to help you fix it fast
  • Media hacks that helped Rising Tide build a brand without spending any money on advertising
  • A 30-second action (you can do this on your phone) that puts you way ahead of anyone trying to get ahold of a busy person

Module 5: The Right Business Structure 

  • How the wrong business structure can cost you big at tax time
  • Why starting a charity is the wrong route to achieve most parents’ goals
  • How you could accidentally give up all control of your business before you even get started
  • The one decision that affects your message to the world about who you are as a business, and the legal, tax, and compliance requirements you’ll face
  • 5 business structures including a full list of their pros and cons
  • The structure that’s right for 90% of founders -- and 5 questions to determine if you’re in the rare 10%
  • How to set up your business structure fast (there’s a cheap way and an expensive way)
  • 4 overlooked items you need to put in place besides the right business structure -- and how to do it easily

Module 6: All About Funding

  • Why funding shouldn’t come first -- even though it may be first on your mind, getting funding too early can ruin your chances of success
  • 5 approaches to funding and which one you should try first (HINT: Grants aren’t the first step)
  • The Funding Pitch Deck -- what 6 sections you should have prepared before you ask anyone for money
  • How to create a 10-slide deck to avoid including too much information
  • Why you need a good track record -- and how to demonstrate you do even if you’re just getting started
  • Debt versus equity -- the differences and which one is better in most scenarios
  • The 500 Rule that hedges your bets if your first potential sources say no
  • One effective funding approach that requires no debt and no giving up equity
  • What kind of due diligence you can expect from a bank if you take out a business loan
  • How to create a successful crowdfunding campaign
  • A list of all available grants for Autism Enterprises and how to apply
  • The myth of “all-in” entrepreneurship -- despite what the media says, smart business people never risk it all

Module 7: Ready for Launch

  • The 7 things you must have in place before you officially launch your new business
  • Key Performance Indicators you should know at least every week to monitor the health of your business
  • Don’t get bogged down with the finances with this simple software recommendation
  • How to find an accountant -- even if you live in a small community
  • The biggest mistake social entrepreneurs make in hiring that leads to stress, confusion, and slow business growth
  • Misconceptions about hiring that you need to understand fast
  • How to conduct a job interview -- for both neurotypicals and those on the autism spectrum (including our exact list of questions)
  • Why turnover, at least at first, isn’t a bad thing
  • Where to find the right people for your management team (if you decide to grow beyond a few people)
  • How to best support your employees by creating a structured work environment -- this isn’t just a benefit for team members with autism; everyone benefits from structure, including you
  • Public Relations basics that ensure you always put your best face forward (and how we’ve landed features from ABC to The Economist)

PLUS, Each Module includes printable worksheets and PDFs, including: 

  • The Autism Advantage Overview: How to identify the ways autism makes better employees
  • The Ideation Worksheet: How to find and hone your idea
  • The One Page Business Plan: Sketch out your business in black and white to determine potential landmines fast
  • Email Outreach Cheat Sheet: Reach anyone at any company
  • Market Research Questionnaires: How to find out what your target market really wants so you can give it to them
  • Demand Worksheet: How to figure out if people really want your product (before spending money)
  • The Customer Avatar Worksheet: Deciding who your customer is and what they really want
  • Networking: Find the right people to support you and reach them effectively
  • Finding Your Story: A step-by-step process to find the compelling “hook” for better networking and media outreach
  • Business Structures Overview: Determine the tax, legal, and financial effect on each business structure
  • Pitch Deck Checklist: What to include every time you’re looking for funding sources
  • Interview Questions for Neurotypicals
  • Interview Questions for People on the Autism Spectrum
  • Resources List: All the software, tools, and templates that we recommend

BONUS: Access to the Autism Advantage Community

Entrepreneurship can be lonely. And starting an Autism Enterprise can make you feel downright isolated. That’s why we created the Autism Advantage Community.

Surround yourself with other Autism Entrepreneurs. You can shortcut common issues, brainstorm solutions to problems, and even form partnerships.  

You’ll also be able to see the other business ideas, outreach strategies, and unique funding approaches your fellow entrepreneurs use. If you get stuck, you know right where to turn to find people who understand what you’re going through.

On your time, at your pace

We’ve created this course to give you everything you need to create a successful autism enterprise. We truly believe that social entrepreneurship is the key to independence, purpose, and fulfillment for people on the autism spectrum.

We also know that this may seem overwhelming at this point. You may be questioning if you’re the “type of person” that can do this. 

It’s a challenging road, and it’s not for everyone, but we’ve structured the course so that you’ll only have to focus on one step at a time. We’ll make sure that you won’t get bogged down by the details or issues that you’re not ready for. You’ll have the best possible chance of success.

Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to this material. You can work on starting an autism enterprise even if you’re still working a full-time job. Even if you only have a few hours each week to dedicate. Or, if you have the time and would like to get started fast, you can do that, too.

You Do Have Other Options

I’ll be honest with you, we didn’t have a Roadmap like this when we started Rising Tide Car Wash. Most businesses don’t -- especially autism enterprises. We figured out all this ourselves through painful trial and error.

When all was said and done, we estimate we could have saved over $100,000 in startup costs if we hadn’t made some costly mistakes -- mistakes that you can avoid with the Autism Advantage Program.

There are, of course, other options for learning about how to start a business.

Go to Business School

In an MBA program, you’ll learn about business theory, managing people (neurotypical only!), and finances… but I don’t know of any business school that goes deep into social enterprises or working with employees on the Autism Spectrum.

Cost: $100,000+

Hire a Business Coach

A quick internet search will bring up literally hundreds of different business coaches. Some are incredible and could shortcut your path to success. But some, as we found, are only out to make a quick buck. They have no real-world business experience (their only business experience is starting their coaching business… seriously). How do you find a good one? And do any know anything about autism enterprise? And none of them offer money-back guarantees. So you could end up spending thousands for useless, irrelevant advice.

Cost: $20,000+

Do nothing

As I said at the beginning of this letter, there are services and programs out there for our children. But I never wanted charity for my son. I wanted him to feel valued, to have purpose, to contribute. The thought of him sitting home for years was heartbreaking for me. And, even more so, the uncertainty about what would happen down the road. I couldn’t bear to sit by and let someone else control my son’s future. That’s why we created Rising Tide.

And now, I know that you can do the same for your family.

Most online business courses cost $2,000+, and of course, they don’t include any information about autism enterprises.

With everything that’s included, we could have easily priced the course at more than that. And honestly, that’s the advice some people gave us.

But I know your situation, and I’ve been there. We want to get this information into the hands of as many families with autism as possible.

Which is why The Autism Advantage is available for just $497 (of 5 payments of $99).

You’ll get all 7 modules, over a dozen worksheets, and all the resources and tools that saved us more than $100,000 in our business.

The Autism Advantage – Payment Plan

5 monthly payments of $99.00 USD

The Autism Advantage – One Time Payment

$497.00 USD


Frequently Asked Questions


I don’t care about making money… Wouldn’t a nonprofit be better?

The goal of Rising Tide was never about money. Many entrepreneurs start a business because they want to get rich, but we’re different. We want to create lasting independence for our loved ones. And although the goals may be different, the solution is the same. A for-profit social enterprise is a sustainable asset that will be around for the long-term. A non-profit that relies on outside funding means that when you decide to stop dedicating time to it, it will cease to be. And you’ll be in the same predicament you are in now. Profit allows the business to outlive you, and even your child… providing opportunities for neurodiverse individuals for decades to come. Inside The Autism Advantage, we answer this question in-depth, from many different angles.

I don’t think a Car Wash is for me.

After we went through our ideation and testing process, a car wash made the most sense for us for a number of reasons we discuss inside the course. But a car wash is far from the only option. There are already dozens of autism enterprises started by people just like you… from bakeries to software testing.

Will you show me how to get grants for my idea?

Yes. Inside The Autism Advantage, specifically Module 6, we discuss how to obtain many types of funding, including grants. With that said, we also discuss other funding options which may be better than seeking grant money. Despite the perception, grant money is not “easy money.” It’s a time-consuming, expensive process. We’ll show you when to look for grants and when other types of funding will better suit your needs.

What if I live in a small town with limited services?

A small town can be a great place to start an autism enterprise. In The Autism Advantage we talk about how to approach your market research and testing even in a small town. We also talk about how to find customers, partners, and funding sources outside your community.

What if there is too much competition?

Inside The Autism Advantage we go in-depth about competition -- how to find out if there’s really “too much”, when competition in a market can be a good thing, and how to turn your “competitors” into partners.

I already have an idea… will you show me how to make it work?

Yes and no. First, we’ll show you how to determine if your idea is actually viable. Often entrepreneurs, and especially social entrepreneurs, fall in love with an idea too early. Then they ignore the red flags that signal that this idea may not be sustainable or profitable. We’ll show you how to make sure it’s both. Then, once we’ve tested your idea… we’ll show you how to structure it, fund it, and launch it.

I’ve seen a lot of these “How to Start a Business” programs… what’s different here?

There are hundreds of online courses about how to start a business. And honestly, it makes us angry when we see some of them. Often, these programs are created by people with no real-world business experience. They cost 5 times as much as The Autism Advantage (or more!), and have no information about how to employ neurodiverse individuals.

What kind of support will I get? Is it right for me?

The Autism Advantage is NOT for you if…

  • Your first thought is, “how much money can I make?” We will show you how to make a profitable business. One that allows your family the lifestyle that you need. But our first goal is always creating a business that is socially conscious -- one that supports the community and neurodiverse individuals. This is not a “get rich quick” program.
  • You already have a business idea, and you’re unwilling to test, change, or iterate it. It’s extremely important that you go through the steps of The Autism Advantage. We’ve seen well-meaning entrepreneurs fail because they didn’t do the right work up front. We won’t let you fail… IF you follow the process.

The Autism Advantage is RIGHT for you if…

  • You’re willing to take an unconventional approach to provide independence for your children.
  • You're willing to work hard, deal with setbacks, and push through obstacles. 
  • You know that good things rarely happen overnight and you’re willing to put in the time and energy to grow your autism enterprise the right way.

The Autism Advantage – Payment Plan

5 monthly payments of $99.00 USD

The Autism Advantage – One Time Payment

$497.00 USD

Our Unbeatable Guarantee

If you're not blown away by the program, and it doesn’t show you exactly how to start and grow your own autism enterprise, we'll refund you 100%. No questions asked. Cancel with a 100% refund within 30 days. 

The Autism Advantage – Payment Plan

5 monthly payments of $99.00 USD

The Autism Advantage – One Time Payment

$497.00 USD

When you click below, you’ll instantly receive…

  1. The exact system we used to test, build, and launch Rising Tide
  2. All 7 modules including video training on best practices -- both from our experience and business experts
  3. Access to the exclusive Autism Advantage Community
  4. All of the worksheets, templates, and resources to get you started
  5. The 100% Money Back Guarantee

The Autism Advantage – Payment Plan

5 monthly payments of $99.00 USD

The Autism Advantage – One Time Payment

$497.00 USD


You CAN do this. We can help.


Before reading this letter, you may have never thought about starting an Autism Enterprise before. So we understand that there are probably a thousand thoughts and questions running through your mind right now.

Some of them we can answer easily like: “where is the best place to get funding?” or “how do I know if my idea will make money and be sustainable?”

But some of them, we’re afraid, only you can answer.

Questions like:

  • “Could I really do this?”
  • “Is this too crazy for us?”
  • “What if I fail?”

There are no easy answers to those questions. All we know is that we asked them, too. We had no idea when we started if Rising Tide was going to work. And we’re not going to pretend we weren’t scared. We were terrified.

But what terrified us more was the alternative -- doing nothing.

I knew that the only way to give my son the live he deserved was to create it.

I had to be the change that I wanted to see by doing things differently. Doing it better.

Parents of children on the autism spectrum already have so many advantages -- grit, determination, and resiliency. 

And, as we’ve already proven, our children don’t just make adequate employees… they make better employees. 

You too can harness your Autism Advantage.

The Autism Advantage – Payment Plan

5 monthly payments of $99.00 USD

The Autism Advantage – One Time Payment

$497.00 USD